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Rivertowns Books


is a project of Karl Weber, one of today’s most respected editors of serious works of nonfiction. The authors whose work Weber has helped to shape and successfully publish include President Jimmy Carter, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm, beloved actor Robert Vaughn, and best-selling business authorities Adrian Slywotzky, Richard D’Aveni, and Jonathan Tisch.

     Weber launched Rivertowns Books in 2018 as a vehicle for publishing interesting, valuable, and well-crafted books that might struggle to find a home in today’s commercial publishing world. The company uses print-on-demand technology to make books available through independent bookstores, via online bookselling platforms, and direct from the author or publisher. It provides high-quality editorial, design, and packaging services at a reasonable cost to the author, then manages basic distribution and order fulfillment in exchange for a portion of the revenues generated. 

     Rivertowns Books publishes only books that Karl Weber believes in, by authors he supports.

     Rivertowns Books is based in Irvington, New York, one of the beautiful and historic villages on the eastern bank of the Hudson River. Named after Washington Irving (1783-1859), author of the short stories “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and one of the first American writers to achieve worldwide fame, Irvington is a particularly appropriate home for a small publisher that uses the newest technologies to bring exceptional books to a select audience.

Rivertowns Books is an independent publisher of serious nonfiction books, focusing particularly on business,

politics, social issues, and selected books of poetry. For more information, write us at


© 2025 by Rivertowns Books.  All rights reserved.  Background photo by Amador Loureiro on Unsplash.

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